The Body & Full of Hell “One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache” 12″ Vinyl
The Body and Full Of Hell have more in common than one might think. While their songwriting style differs, they find themselves “unified by a shared aesthetic, catharsis through the manipulation of emotions transformed by visceral noise and fueled by an inescapable sense of dread.” Both bands are forces to be reckoned with especially when it comes to pushing the boundaries of what we conceive as “heavy” music. Not only have they collaborated on this album “One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache,” but with countless other like minded bands such as Thou, The Haxan Cloak, Krieg, Merzbow and The Bug. Securing this record in your collection is a no brainer – plus – we’ve got other Thrill Jockey releases to pair it with.
- One Day You Will Ache Like I AcheÂ
- Fleshworks
- The Butcher
- Gehorwilt
- World of Hope and No Pain
- Himmel und Hölle
- Bottled Urn
- The Little death
- Cain
- Abel