Count Me Out “Permanent” 12″ Vinyl
At the time of it’s original release, Count Me Out’s sophomore effort, “Permanent,” came when the Richmond, VA, boys were filled with lofty ideals and the initiative to push themselves again musically as well as lyrically. Though akin to the traditional hardcore played by bands such as Chain Of Strength, they were in no way a “rehash” band and had consciously tried to mix in a strong degree of melody as well as a little new-school mosh into their songs. This record has stood the test of time and is just as visceral today as it was in 202.
- South Street
- Disconnect
- Against The World
- Confusion
- My Regret
- Stakes Is High
- Betrayed
- This Is Getting To Be Too Routine For Me
- Permanent
- No Control
- One More Reason Why
- Dear You