Microwave “Death Is a Warm Blanket” CD
If music can serve as a release for its creator and listener alike, then Microwave’s new album is sonic catharsis incarnate. “Death Is A Warm Blanket” is an explosion of mental and physical frustration, channeled into ten dynamic tracks that show just how powerful, gut-wrenching, and fun loud rock music can be when it’s this completely unbridled. Microwave revel in their newfound creative abandon, colliding post-hardcore aggression with ’90s-alternative sneer, and bleeding broodingly atmospheric verses into anthemic choruses. Vinyl version includes digital download.
- Leather Daddy
- Float To The Top
- The Brakeman Has Resigned
- Hate TKO
- Pull
- Love’s Will Tear Us Apart
- Mirrors
- Carry
- Part Of It